Enide Studio

About CoffeeScript support in Nodeclipse

02 June 2013

I think you have noticed <ul><li>Coffee</li></ul> link on left menu. Yes, it is not about café, but about CoffeeScript support within Nodeclipse.

While most Node.js developers ask Why?, there is certain percentage of developers that do use CoffeeScript every day. CoffeeScript is also #6 package in Most Depended-upon Packages list on https://npmjs.org . And some our friends use it.

So it was great joy when Adam Schmideg blessed Nodeclipse https://github.com/Nodeclipse/coffeescript-eclipse/ to be new home of CoffeeScript plugin for Eclipse.

coffeescript-eclipse is using XText, an Eclipse project aimed for helping creating new languages. Currently Robert Gründler has expressed desire to become the owner of the project. So we are slowly working on CoffeeScript support in Eclipse.

If you want to try old version, you can install it with required XText in one step using CoffeeScript Editor quick installer.

CoffeeScript is not to become promoted language for Node.js. I fact, I think support for CoffeeScript will lag behind that of for JavaScript. But as two projects (nodeclipse-1 & coffeescript-eclipse) are clearly separated, and coffeescript-eclipse can be used not only for Node.js development, I hope both projects will go on with their own speed and add more & more nice features for developers.

Best regards,
Paul Verest

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