Enide - Eclipse Node.js IDE
For Eclipse package distribution, check Enide 2015.
Latest version is shown on Marketplace.
Sources: https://github.com/Nodeclipse/eclipse-node-ide
If you have an idea, please raise an issue at https://github.com/Nodeclipse/eclipse-node-ide/issues
Read more at https://github.com/Nodeclipse/eclipse-node-ide#eclipse-nodejs-ide
If you can't install, select less plugins, and try again. If you can't install a particular plugin, and try again after some time. If update site is unavailable and it is hosted on GitHub Pages, for example Nodeclipse v<0.6, check GitHub System Status. Check home page for announcements. Try support options. If you think that something is buggy or slow _just don't use it_ . (There are some experimental features.) We would be thankful for detailed problem description. This way you can contribute. Read carefully support options. If you really care, help us to improve it by developing with us together.
Eclipse Marketplace description:
Enide - Eclipse Node.js IDE (based on Nodeclipse) Eclipse Node.js IDE (Enide) is basically one configuration file (*.p2f) that lets you quick start with Node.js development. Link to file: https://raw.github.com/Nodeclipse/eclipse-node-ide/master/ENodeIDE.p2f Included plugins are - Nodeclipse - Chrome Development Tools, fixed for debugging Node.js - MarkDown (*.md) Editor (Integrated) - GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM) Viewer (Optional)comments powered by Disqus- Eclipse 3.x Color Theme (Optional) - Eclipse 4.x Chrome Theme (Optional)
- JSHint Eclipse Integration (Optional) - JSDT jQuery Integration (Optional)
- JSON Editor Plugin (Optional for Outline) - NJSDT (JSDT alternative when JSDT is not installed) - NJSDoc library (only for NJSDT) - RestClient Tool (Optional) - StartExplorer (Optional) - CoffeeScript Editor - TypeScript Editor Not included - GitHub Mylyn Connector 2.3
To install - save file with *.p2f extension - In Eclipse, use File -> Import \ Install Software Items from File - select needed components (if your network connection is slow, select less items in one time) All instructions are also inside .p2f file, that you can view with any text editor. And then possibly email to friends or colleagues. No need to remember all those update sites and names. Contact author when you know something worth to be included. Or add review below. See also Hints ATTENTION: versions since 0.4 require JSDT. If your Eclipse was not downloaded from www.eclipse.org, then possibly you can't get this dependency automatically. See #46 Aptana Studio - can't update to 0.4 for solution. (NJSDT+NJSDoc is recommended for this case)
Bug was raise on Eclipse Bugzilla
Bug 409685 - [Remediation] Eclipse 4.3 Kepler - Installation Remediation fails; no opt-out
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