Enide Studio

Nodeclipse status updates

11 August 2013

It has been 3 month since Nodeclipse 0.4 version release. Though we took some rest, we were soon busy with researching and other modules like help, git, coffee-script.

We released self-contained Nodeclipse NTS http://www.nodeclipse.org/nts/ Eclipse distribution containing all needed for Node.js development on SourceForge http://sf.net/p/nodeclipse/

We made up infrastructure like http://nodeclipse.uservoice.com/ for new ideas and voting for them, community feedback form on http://www.nodeclipse.org/community/.

As we go the scope is broadening so we feel lack in hands and minds, people who care for making Node.js development convenient and time efficient. We also lack some skill like Eclipse XText for CoffeeScript support. But when we find some solution for previous stopper, that is joy. One of the ideas is to leverage Node.js and Node modules for making Eclipse plugin, “Nodeclipse Gap” idea.

Meanwhile current 0.4 version is installed more times every month and we are now in TOP 30 on Eclipse marketplace http://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/nodeclipse. GitHub Flavoured Markdown Viewer plugin also sees adoption.

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