Enide Studio

Nodeclipse CoffeeScript Editor

GitHub: https://github.com/Nodeclipse/coffeescript-eclipse

Marketplace: http://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/nodeclipse-coffeescript-editor

Support: https://github.com/Nodeclipse/coffeescript-eclipse/issues

CoffeeScript plugin has issue #19 when editing with Eclipse 4.3.1 platform onward. That in effect makes it good for viewing only in the newest Eclipse versions.
The original author stopped working for the project 2 years ago, while Nodeclipse team lack XTest technology skills (or someone to move the project forward).

You can install it, for example, into older Enide Studio 0.5 (Eclipse 4.3 Kepler distribution) with Nodeclipse 0.5 plugins pre-installed and configured,
Download it from SourceForge, then update following “Installation Instructions”.

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