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Gradle for Eclipse - Android

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Start with Android

You can start by downloading Android SDK, but you would be better off by asking your friends who have been developing for some years to get Android SDK with all Android images and sources downloaded. A full pack will be around 10GB of data, it may be too long and troublesome to download it.

Create ANDROID_HOME environment variable, and add to Path


Command line

Android SDK is enough to create and build Android app. No GUI, just CLI:

android create project -p AppPAKT -a MainActivity -k com.example.apppaktgv -t android-19

or with new (Maven) layout and gradle files:

android create project -p AppPAKTGV -a MainActivity -k com.example.apppaktgv -t android-19 -g -v 0.12.+

Download Eclipse ADT

see developer.android.com - Installing the Eclipse Plugin

use URL
or use offline installing from zip archive e.g. ADT-23.0.4.zip (or older ADT-22.6.3.zip)


Read books, docs, sources, examples.

Take a look at Android 1.0 docs. In the beginning it was amazingly simple to grasp.

Copied what-is-android.html 1.0b 19 Nov 2008

Refs: 1

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