Enide Studio


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Enide Studio 2014

Check newer Enide 2015

Recommended install via drag-and-drop of install image on Eclipse main toolbar.

See tip how

get Enide Studio 2014.17-u2 for Windows x64 Enide Studio 2014.17-u2 for Windows x64


  • Node.js



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  • Gradle & Android

Minimalist Gradle Editor with Nodeclipse EditBx

This is the most feature-rich distribution of Nodeclipse.

As mentioned in Marketplace entry

Enide Studio 2014 was initially released as stand-alone product (version 0.11-preview) and this marketplace entries to allow updates.

Time showed as Windows user, I [Paul] could not also check if there are issues on other platforms, so only plugins distribution will follow. This may change if anyone would join as Linux/OS X co-maintainer.

You should install plugins in recent Eclipse distribution. Otherwise check individual plugins for there compatibility. E.g. Nodeclipse plugin should work with 3.x and 4.x Eclipse versions.

You can still download and use Enide Studio 2014 0.11-preview but are strongly advised to update Eclipse to 4.4 stable and Nodeclipse to the latest (0.17 as of writing).

See also #166


See also Enide Studio 2014.17 for Windows64

Enide Studio 2014 0.11 was preview release based on Eclipse 4.4M4. While I used it myself daily since January 2014, some bugs in Eclipse newer feature are possible. Nodeclipse and Enide plugins are the same released versions.

get Enide Studio 2014.17-u2 for Windows x64 Enide Studio 2014.17-u2 for Windows x64

get and update older (0.11-preview, no longer recommended) Enide Studio 2014 for Windows x32win32 Enide Studio 2014 for Windows x64win64 Enide Studio 2014 for MacOS x64MacOS X Enide Studio 2014 for Linux x64Linux

See all SourceForge downloads.


Add -showLocation to launch shortcut for Enide Studio eclipse.exe to display workspace path in window title.


2014-02-28 0.11-preview The intention is to let you try this Eclipse package (that has a lot of improvements) without separate step of installing needed plugins.

2014-10-09 0.17 to include AnglularJS and TernIDE but not be as stand-alone product #166.

2014-10-11 2014.17 for Windows64

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