Drag-n-drop what you need on Eclipse main toolbar. (See tip how).
If it does not work, say within
Bug 507117 - Why drag-n-drop Marketplace icon does not work
or why Bug 365410 click-through (instead of drag-n-drop) still may be misleading
and/or new GitHub issue.
The list below is for convenient and quick way to install Eclipse plugins.
Just drag-and-drop such
image for the plugin that you need onto Eclipse main toolbar above. (See tip how).
Prefix Up indicates that this plugin is available from Nodeclipse updates site http://www.nodeclipse.org/updates/
Also plugin marked with code formating
can be installed using
Nodeclipse CLI Installer
like nodeclipse install alias
News. Features. Demo. History. Usage. Download. Support. Support us. About. Donate. Gradle IDE Pack. Gradle for Eclipse - Android. AngularJS-Eclipse. Angular2-Eclipse. Polyglot Maven IDE Pack. .proto Editor. Nodeclipse CLI installer.
To try type #page>div.logo+ul#navigation>li*5>a{Item $}
in HTML Editor then Tab. Read abbreviationsegit
EGit - Git Team Provider mpmarkdown
Markdown Text Editor mp,sourcesUp
Tool Suite for Node.js, JavaScript, Java Development (Nodeclipse, Enide, TernIDE, TCF Terminals and more).
or use update site ( how to pics )
or (quicker but fixed version) <pre>http://dl.bintray.com/nodeclipse/nodeclipse/1.0.2f/</pre>
EGit - Git Team Provider mp
Even though EGit is perfect GUI, you may still want to use command line git
Msysgit is nice distribution for Windows, that includes bash.git
Nodeclipse Git Addonmarkdown
Markdown Text Editor mp,sources
Android Development Tools for Eclipse (Eclipse-ADT) by Google mp
or use URL
or use offline installing
from zip archive e.g. ADT-23.0.4.zip
Android ADT extentions by li.jamling@gmail.com mp
Enide & Nodeclipse (Nodeclipse core, Chromium Tools, JSHint-Eclipse, Markdown Editor, GFM VIewer,
StartExplorer, RestClient Tool, Git Addon, Plugins List)
Nodeclipse (Nodeclipse core, Chromium Tools, Markdown Editor)phantomjs
Nodeclipse PhantomJSjjs
Nodeclipse Java 8 Nashorn JJSUp
is initial support for Eclipse vert.x projects.
GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM) Viewer,
Jeeejul Eclipse Themes (former Eclipse 4.x Chrome Theme)Up
JSHint integration for the Eclipse IDE by Ralf Sternberg, EclipseSource mp
Eclipse plugin for JavaScript with Closure Compiler, Closure Library and Closure Linter by Vincent Simonet
, Eclipse plugin for Closure Templates
and LESS mp
Start Explorer or shell site,github
Bytecode Visualizer is a tool used for visualizing and debugging Java byte code.
Mylyn WikiText (wikitext, textile and other format support) mpLet us know more by editing this list on GitHub. (With GitHub you can edit online and send Pull Request even without getting whole project on local device.)
for Nodeclipse-1 projects
for Gradle Pack